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Eco ChurcH

Eco Blog by Chris Marshall (Member of our church)


This coming month sees the Plastic free July campaign kick off, which focuses on small changes each of us can make to reduce plastic waste under the slogan “Small steps, big difference”. Each year millions of Plastic Free July participants from over 190 countries worldwide together make a big difference by choosing to refuse single-use plastic.


An astonishing 10 billion kgs of household waste has been avoided by participants over the last five year because millions of people choose to make a change for cleaner streets, healthy oceans, and beautiful communities or just to do the right thing.


We cannot eliminate plastic from our lives as so much of everyday items are made up from plastic components but we can pledge to say no to non-essential single use plastic. Perhaps this month you could choose one single-use plastic to avoid or take the pledge to avoid single-use plastic drink bottles, single use take away coffee cups or plastic food wrap as these are the “top 3” single-use plastic items we commonly use each day and that most of us can easily replace by;


  • Refilling reusable water bottles from the tap

  • Taking a reusable cup with you or sitting and enjoy a real cup

  • Switching from plastic wrap to reusable containers or wax wraps.


If you wish to know more about this campaign or get inspiration from other people have a look at the plastic free July website


Eco Church - An A Rocha UK Project


Trinity Church Totton
Hazel Farm Road
West Totton
SO40 8WU


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