Children in Worship
All are welcome at Trinity Church - young and old!
We have a variety of styles of worship at Trinity, but try to have something for children every week. Our current pattern of worship, and what we offer for children, is below.
First Sunday of month - Service with Holy Communion.
There will be Junior Church in a separate area with teaching and activities for children. Junior Church will rejoin the main service for the sharing of Communion.
Trinity Church has an "Open Table" policy for Communion and all are welcome to share, regardless of membership of this church or another. Children are welcome to share, although we respect that this is the decision of parents/guardians.
Second Sunday of month - Preaching service.
Although normally a more "formal" style of worship, there will be an activity area at the side of the church with colouring and quiet toys for children.
Third Sunday of month - All Age Worship
This service is for all to share and we hope that families will be able to enjoy worship together.
Fourth Sunday of month - "Eden" (Worship Group) service.
There is a variety of content in this service. There will be an activity area for children, but there will normally also be some songs that children (of all ages!) can join in with musical instruments.
Fifth Sunday - when there is a fifth Sunday in the month, there will normally be a service on a theme, led by our Elders. There will be an activity area for children as per the second Sundays.